Asylum Attorney in Raleigh, North Carolina

Seeking asylum is a life-altering decision. The process can be daunting with never-ending waiting times, but our experienced immigration lawyer at Herhusky Law Office, PLLC is here to help you every step of the way.  

My firm is in Raleigh, North Carolina, and serves clients throughout the surrounding areas, including Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro, Fayetteville, Charlotte, Wilson, Wilmington, and beyond. Call today to learn how we can help.  

What Is Asylum?

Asylum is a form of protection granted to foreign nationals who have fled their home country due to persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution. This persecution must be based on specific grounds, such as race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. By applying for asylum, individuals seek to stay in the United States legally and avoid going back to a dangerous situation in their home country. 

Asylum seekers must demonstrate that they have suffered persecution or have a credible fear of persecution in the future. The process typically involves applying to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or presenting their case in an immigration court.  

There are also two types of asylum: affirmative and defensive. Affirmative asylum is when the individual is not in removal proceedings and files an application with USCIS.  

Defensive asylum, on the other hand, is when an individual requests asylum as a defense against removal proceedings. Each type has its own procedures, requirements, and timelines, so understanding what applies to your situation is important. 

Seeking Asylum in the U.S.?

Expert Legal Services Available 

The Asylum Process with Herhusky Law Office, PLLC

The asylum process involves several critical steps, each requiring careful attention and preparation. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect: 

1. Initial Consultation 

Our first step is to meet with you for an in-depth consultation. During this meeting, we will discuss your situation, gather essential information, and determine the best course of action for your application. 

2. Preparing Your Application 

We will help you compile all necessary documents, including evidence supporting your claim of persecution. This may include personal statements, affidavits, country condition reports, and any other relevant materials. Our team will ensure that your application is thorough and compelling. 

3. Filing Your Application 

Once your application is complete, we will file it with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Timing is crucial, as asylum applications must be filed within one year of your arrival in the United States, with some exceptions for extraordinary circumstances. 

4. Interview or Hearing 

After filing, you will either attend an interview with an asylum officer or a hearing before an immigration judge, depending on your case. We will prepare you for this critical step, providing guidance on how to present your story effectively and confidently. 

5. Decision 

Following your interview or hearing, USCIS or the immigration judge will decide on your asylum application. If granted, you will be allowed to remain in the United States and apply for a green card after one year. If denied, we will explore all available options for appeal or alternative forms of relief. 

6. Appeals and Motions 

If your asylum application is denied, don't lose hope. Our experienced attorneys at Herhusky Law Office, PLLC, will guide you through the appeals process, ensuring that every possible avenue for protection is pursued. We will meticulously review the decision, identify any errors or oversights, and prepare a compelling case for appeal to present before the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) or federal court. 

7. Post-Asylum Support 

Securing asylum is just the beginning of your new life in the United States. Our support doesn’t end once your application is approved. We assist with subsequent steps, such as applying for work authorization, obtaining social services, and eventually applying for a green card. We aim to make your transition as smooth as possible, providing you with the peace of mind and stability needed to start building your future. 

The Importance of Timely Action in Asylum Cases

Time is of the essence when it comes to filing for asylum. The one-year filing deadline is a strict one; missing it can significantly affect your chances of obtaining asylum. Seek legal assistance as soon as possible to start building your case.  

Moreover, timely filing ensures that your evidence and recollection of events remain fresh and detailed, which adds credibility to your case. It also gives you more opportunities to gather and present corroborating evidence, making a more compelling case for asylum. 

Asylum Attorney in Raleigh, North Carolina

At Herhusky Law Office, PLLC, you, the client, are at the center of everything we do. We provide personal attention to each case. We offer services in English and Spanish to break language barriers that make it harder for you to deal with the legal system. Our attorneys have honed their skills and deepened their understanding of immigration law through years of practice. 

If you or someone you know is seeking asylum, call today to schedule a consultation. Together, we can work towards a brighter, safer future. We look forward to assisting you with your asylum case and welcoming you to our community.