Criminal Immigration Attorney in Raleigh, North Carolina

At Herhusky Law Office, PLLC, we understand the complications and high stakes of criminal immigration cases. We provide you with the expert legal representation you need to safeguard your rights and secure your future. Whether you face deportation, detention, or other serious consequences, we are here to help. 

We serve clients throughout the Raleigh area, including Durham, Greensboro, Fayetteville, Charlotte, Wilson Wilmington, greater North Carolina, and beyond. Contact us today to schedule a time to talk. 

What Is Criminal Immigration?

Criminal immigration law refers to the intersection of criminal law and immigration law. It deals with criminal charges, convictions, or even allegations that can affect an individual's immigration status. These cases often involve serious ramifications, including deportation, inadmissibility, and the loss of legal residency or the opportunity to gain U.S. citizenship. 

Criminal immigration cases can include offenses ranging from minor misdemeanors to serious felonies, each carrying potential immigration consequences.  

For instance, even a seemingly minor conviction for a traffic violation can complicate an individual’s ability to gain or maintain legal status in the United States. On the other hand, a serious felony conviction can result in immediate deportation and permanently bar an individual from returning to the country. 

Criminal immigration cases require an in-depth understanding of both legal domains to effectively deal with the complications involved. That is why you should hire an experienced criminal immigration attorney if you find yourself facing any type of criminal charge as a non-citizen. 

Criminal Immigration Case?

Experienced Immigration Attorney Available 

Understanding the Stakes in a Criminal Immigration Case

The stakes are usually high in criminal immigration cases. An adverse decision can significantly impact your life and future. Below are some potential consequences of a criminal immigration case: 

  • Deportation: A criminal conviction can lead to deportation, separating you from your family and community. 

  • Inadmissibility: Certain criminal offenses can render you inadmissible to the United States, preventing you from obtaining visas, green cards, or citizenship. 

  • Detention: Immigration authorities may detain individuals with criminal records, leading to prolonged periods of uncertainty and hardship. 

  • Loss of legal status: Convictions can result in the loss of legal residency, work authorization, and other immigration benefits. 

  • Mandatory reporting: Certain criminal convictions require mandatory reporting to immigration authorities, which can expedite removal proceedings against you. 

  • Entry barriers: Past criminal behavior may bar re-entry into the United States after travel abroad, complicating your ability to visit family or return to your life and work. 

  • Impact on asylum claims: Criminal charges can be used to argue you do not deserve protection under U.S. law. This significantly reduces your chances of being granted asylum. 

  • Employment challenges: Having a criminal record can make it difficult to secure or maintain employment, threatening your livelihood and ability to support yourself and your family. 

  • Housing difficulties: Criminal convictions can make it difficult to obtain housing, as many landlords conduct background checks and may deny applications based on criminal history. 

  • Social stigma: Criminal charges and convictions carry a social stigma that can affect your relationships and reputation within your community and beyond. 

How Herhusky Law Office, PLLC Can Help You

Our comprehensive range of services addresses all aspects of criminal immigration law. 

Deportation Defense 

We represent clients in deportation proceedings to help them remain in the United States. Our experienced attorneys develop strong defense strategies designed to achieve the best possible outcome. 

Criminal Charges and Immigration Consequences 

 If you are facing criminal charges, you must understand how they may impact your immigration status. We guide you on the potential consequences and work tirelessly to mitigate any negative effects. 

Post-Conviction Relief 

If a past conviction jeopardizes your immigration status, we explore options for post-conviction relief. This can include motions to vacate convictions, reduce sentences, or seek pardons. 

Bond Hearings and Detention Issues 

We assist clients in securing bond hearings and addressing detention issues to help them regain their freedom while their immigration case is pending. 

Waivers of Inadmissibility 

If you have been deemed inadmissible due to criminal convictions, we help prepare and file waivers to overcome these barriers and pursue lawful status. 

Appeals and Motions 

If you have received an unfavorable decision in your criminal immigration case, we can assist in filing appeals and motions to reopen or reconsider your case. Our team is adept at identifying errors and presenting new evidence to strengthen your position. 

Advice on Specific Crimes and Their Immigration Consequences 

Certain crimes have unique implications for immigration status. We provide specialized advice on how specific offenses such as DUI, drug possession, or domestic violence can affect your immigration case, helping you make informed decisions about your legal strategy. 

Criminal Immigration Attorney in Raleigh, North Carolina

If you or a loved one are facing criminal immigration issues, do not hesitate to reach out to Herhusky Law Office, PLLC. Our experienced attorneys are here to protect your rights and help you achieve the best possible outcome. We proudly serve clients throughout Raleigh, North Carolina, Durham, Greensboro, Fayetteville, Charlotte, Wilson Wilmington, and greater North Carolina. 

Call today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards securing your future. Together, we can overcome the challenges of criminal immigration and build a brighter future.